Team Coaching

Velocity, Quality, Efficiency

Product Team Coaching

We Can Help

Scrum, Agile, Shape Up, Squads, Waterfall? Everyday there seems to be a new methodology to build products, but no matter which model you pick you keep living the same nightmare day after day. Design is overworked. Engineering isn’t shipping as fast or with the quality you’d like. Product keeps Jira full of tickets, but you’re not sure these ‘releases’ are making a difference. We’ve been there.

How It Works

You’re not alone. We’ve seen this struggle at startups and presumably world class organizations as well. Consultants promise a quick fix, but most of them have never dealt with the messy reality of running a product team. We’ll work with the team on a weekly basis, to not only set up an effective working model, but tune it to your particular culture and deal with issues as they arise. Getting an organization to work well together can’t be accomplished in an offsite.

The Result

In the end, you’ll have a clear process for how work gets done. You’ll also understand what the minimum artifacts you need at each step to get the results you want. The most important result will be renewed trust in your team and strong communication within, and beyond the product team. A team that works well together and trusts each other matters much more than what flavor of metholodogy you land on.