Product Evaluation


Insight, Alignment, Acceleration

Expert Product Evaluation

We Can Help

You’ve got the vision, but your product isn’t hitting the mark. Customers like you, but they don’t rave about you. Quarter after quarter the team is heads down, working on enhancements, but somehow you never seem to nail the customer’s expectations.

Worse, your internal teams don’t feel gelled. Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success all want changes to the product they can’t seem to get prioritized. Good ideas aren’t the problem - you’re drowning in them. Maybe that’s why you feel like you’re treading water?

Focus drives speed, and we can help distill what matters, break the logjam, and unlock progress. In a few short weeks, you’ll have a clear eyed view of your product, and a plan that delivers for your customers, investors, and team.

How It Works

We’ll dive deep with your team and select customers. We’ll also do our own expert evaluation of your product to identify the keystone issues and high impact quick wins. Often, outside perspective can help see what matters most.

The Result

At the end of our work together, you’ll have have a set of prioritized focus areas with concrete recommendations (big and small) all based on a deep understanding of your current user frustrations, internal team assessments, and competitive realities.

Critically, the result is a clear plan that your team can support because they were a part of creating it. Taken together, the big bets and the quick wins provide a strong direction that will have your team energized and your customers cheering.

Most engagements are 2-3 weeks.